July 2021 Sustainability and ESG News
Photo by RawFilm
Here’s the best of what we’ve read over the last month.
“The role of the corporate community is more important than ever. To achieve a net zero emissions future and mitigate the financial impacts of a changing climate, companies need to publicly advocate for the swift passage of climate change policies and rules that appropriately recognize what is at stake. The cost of inaction is too high; staying on the sidelines or allowing climate to be framed as a partisan issue is not an option.”
— Practicing Responsible Policy Engagement: How large U.S. companies lobby on climate change (Ceres)
“A flood of investment into clean tech propelled onetime startups such as Tesla Inc. into the stratosphere. For most young companies in the sector, the past decade was a fight to raise the funds needed for takeoff. That is changing amid a boom in green investing. The new wave of cash is helping startups get from laboratory to market.”
— Green-Tech Startups Are Getting Fresh Wave of Cash (The Wall Street Journal)
“It's a good time to be an ESG professional. A very, very good time. The demand for analysts, strategists and others knowledgeable about environmental, social and governance issues has never been higher — far more than the current supply of qualified humans. And therein lies a challenge to the growth of sustainability and climate solutions.”
— Inside the war for ESG talent (GreenBiz)
“Some of the wealthiest companies in the world are investing in the green economy. But they’re not investing in paying union wages.”
— Building Solar Farms May Not Build the Middle Class (The New York Times)